Dr. med.
Michael Ed. Gassmann
Place of work
Monbijoustrasse 39, Bern Address
Monbijoustrasse 39, 3011 Bern
+41 31 381 48 22Searching
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Learn moreOther places of work of Dr. med. Michael Ed. Gassmann
Dr. med. Michael Ed. Gassmann works also in the following locations:
Belpstrasse 34, Bern
Belpstrasse 34, 3007 Bern
Lindenhofspital Bern
Innere Medizin
Bremgartenstrasse 117, 3012 Bern
Reviews for Dr. med. Michael Ed. Gassmann
These reviews reflect the subjective impression of a user. If there are only a few reviews, it is possible that the overall assessment is not representative.
1 reviews
Bond of trust
Information behavior
by Verified Patient
Hypertonie (hoher Blutdruck)
Der Arzt meines Vertrauens!
Man wünscht sich, dass alle Aerzte so wären wie Dr. M. Gassmann! Ich kann ihn jedem bestens empfehlen.