MedicoBooking: online appointment booking.
Over 3000 healthcare providers already trust in Medicosearch:
How does MedicoBooking work
Patients book their appointments directly via your website. We provide you with a Javascript booking widget customized to your design. The widget is responsive, privacy secure and always state-of-the-art. If necessary, we will be happy to help you with the installation on your website.
Medicosearch is the online appointment booking software in Switzerland that can be tailored to your individual needs. With our many years of experience, we can easily map complex appointment solutions. We would be happy to present you more than 200 appointment functions in a personal meeting.
As soon as the patient has completed their booking, you will find the booking in your surgery agenda. Due to the constant synchronization, double bookings are excluded. Your time effort is reduced to a minimum and your patients can reach you even when your surgery is closed.
Our services
That's what our customers say
The statements are from interviews, which you may read on our blog