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Témoignages pour Witellikerstrasse 40, Zürich

Ces témoignages reflètent la perception subjective de l'utilisateur. Si il n’y a que très peu d'avis, il est possible que l'évaluation globale ne soit pas représentative.
Evaluation globale
Basé sur
4 témoignages
Serviable et prévenant
Temps d’attente
Début du rendez-vous à l'heure
Organisation et infrastructure
Recommandé par les patients
par le Patient Vérifié
Muskeln / Sehnen
Excellent clinic / praxis with true experts
I had a disc herniation which was with me for some time, never was a big issue and I lived with it without any major limitation until this spring when things became worse and further worsened throughout the summer... I have been already searching for a good neurosurgeon in Zurich specialized in disc herniation and without any reference to English forum really, I found Dr. Kockro in Hirslanden Clinic in Zürich. What I would like to highlight in particular is that the fact that it was one Sunday evening I wrote an email to Dr. Kockro describing my symptoms...he read the email the same Sunday night (around midnight) and he responded to me the very next day saying that his assistant would contact me by end of the day to arrange for MRI appointment followed by the consultation with took overall 4 days and I had my MRI and consultation. Dr. Kockro is a true professional who can explain very well to any laic where is the issue and what are the possibilities how to tackle it as well as what are the risks associated with this or that kind of treatment / operation. I was offered to be operated the very next week. The operation took 90mins and I woke up and I was pain-free, completely pain free...10 days later I was released from hospital and also very much thanks to Dr. Kockro, my insurance agreed to give me a slot in specialized REHA clinic/spa for further rehabilitation.
par le Patient Vérifié
Muskeln / Sehnen
Top notch neurochirurgy clinic / praxis with true professionals
I had a disc herniation which was with me for some time, never was a big issue and I lived with it without any major limitation until this spring when things became worse and further worsened throughout the summer... I have been already searching for a good neurosurgeon in Zurich specialized in disc herniation and without any reference to English forum really, I found Dr. Kockro in Hirslanden Clinic in Zürich. What I would like to highlight in particular is that the fact that it was one Sunday evening I wrote an email to Dr. Kockro describing my symptoms...he read the email the same Sunday night (around midnight) and he responded to me the very next day saying that his assistant would contact me by end of the day to arrange for MRI appointment followed by the consultation with took overall 4 days and I had my MRI and consultation. Dr. Kockro is a true professional who can explain very well to any laic where is the issue and what are the possibilities how to tackle it as well as what are the risks associated with this or that kind of treatment / operation. I was offered to be operated the very next week. The operation took 90mins and I woke up and I was pain-free, completely pain free...10 days later I was released from hospital and also very much thanks to Dr. Kockro, my insurance agreed to give me a slot in specialized REHA clinic/spa for further rehabilitation.
par le Patient Vérifié
Ich habe mein Leben wieder zurück bekommen!!!
Ich habe anderthalb Jahre lang sehr sehr massiv gelitten wegen meiner starken Trigeminus Neuralgie. Ich hatte keine Lebensqualität mehr. Ich ging kaum mehr aus dem Haus. Und jetzt, nach der Operation, die sehr erfolgreich war, habe ich mein Leben zurück bekommen, ich bin wieder sehr aktiv und ich kann endlich meinen Freundeskreis wieder intensiv pflegen. Ich bin unendlich dankbar und glücklich, denn vor der Operation, mit diesen täglichen unsagbaren Schmerzen, das war kein Leben mehr. Darum schreibe ich diese Bewertung, dass anderen Personen, die auch unter einer Trigeminus Neuralgie leiden, auch geholfen werden kann und dass ich diesen Personen mit meiner Bewertung Mut machen kann und Hoffnung.
par le Patient Vérifié
Vollste Zufriedenheit
Die Mitarbeiter der Praxis und auf der Station sind sehr freundlich und zuverlässig und der Service der Klinik Hirslanden ist gut wie in einem Hotel.
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