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Recensioni per Dr. med. Jean-Marie Rossi

Queste valutazioni riflettono la percezione soggettiva dell'utente. Con un piccolo numero di recensioni, è possibile che la valutazione globale non sia rappresentativa.
Valutazione complessiva
Basato su
1 recensioni
Rapporto di fiducia
Prende sul serio le preoccupazioni
Comportamento informativo
Informare in modo completo e comprensibile
Raccomandato dai pazienti
da Paziente Verificato
Andere HNO - Erkrankungen
doctor with enthusiasm & a heart for his patients
Dr Rossi is really a doctor with a heart for the patient. In all his words, in his enthusiasm to find causes of my problems, in his curious eyes I feel what I would like to feel with every doctor: motivation to help. He does not only do the routine investigations, but he did for me also non-standard scientific grade tests to find out the cause of my problems. Also the style of interaction couldnt be better: Its not the usual top-down approach, but it is a real interchange of ideas in order ro find out things. Though my condition is probably inborn and untreatable (central hypoventilation), using my scientific background, I approached him several times with ideas how to at least mitigate the symtomes a bit. Dr Rossi always welcommed my ideas, discussed them with me, ordered tests. And most of all, he did for me also the paperwork that all doctors hate to do: write proposals to my insurance for specialty medical devices one of which is not even covered by normal insurance, but we hope to get through by good argumentation. ,furthermore Dr Rossi seems to be well connected: he recommended other specialists that were just equally great.
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