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Al momento, Dr. med. Marc Jacques GIL non offre appuntamenti online.
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+41 22 860 11 57
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Recensioni per Dr. med. Marc Jacques GIL

Queste valutazioni riflettono la percezione soggettiva dell'utente. Con un piccolo numero di recensioni, è possibile che la valutazione globale non sia rappresentativa.
Valutazione complessiva
Basato su
1 recensioni
Rapporto di fiducia
Prende sul serio le preoccupazioni
Comportamento informativo
Informare in modo completo e comprensibile
Raccomandato dai pazienti
da Paziente Verificato
Muskeln / Sehnen
very helpful doctor, speaks many languages
I approached Dr Gil with all my different health problems: lumbago pain, a problem of fatigue-sports-crash, low nightly oxygen levels/weak breathkng muscles, fatigue after meals. The lumbago pain I had for many weeks and it was really threatening me. I could only achieve partial relief with all advice of therapists before. He cured it in 1 minute. I am not kidding. He put needles into my ear. A minute later my pain was co.pletely gone! I could do movements with ease that I was unable to do before because of prohibitive pain. With the other problems he also offered great help, found out for me how I can get an expensive medical device (spirotiger) on swiss health insurance. and referred me to several interesting specialists. he really seems to be well connected to excellent experts. and what I liked very much: his style. a smiling, easygoing, helpful and honest doctor. so many doctors think that they need to do as if they would know everything. Dr Gil is different: first, he really knows a lot and second, if something is not his desk he will tell straight and refer to an excellent specialist.
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