
Prenota un appuntamento

Recensioni per Med. pract. Johann Gauer

Queste valutazioni riflettono la percezione soggettiva dell'utente. Con un piccolo numero di recensioni, è possibile che la valutazione globale non sia rappresentativa.
Valutazione complessiva
Basato su
46 recensioni
Rapporto di fiducia
Prende sul serio le preoccupazioni
Comportamento informativo
Informare in modo completo e comprensibile
Raccomandato dai pazienti
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Körperliche Beschwerde / Schmerzen
Sehr hilfreich
Meine starken Knieschmerzen wurden sehr schnell behoben und ich habe mich sehr ernst genommen gefühlt
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Hat mich ernstgenommen
Hat mich ernst genommen
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Körperliche Beschwerde / Schmerzen
Sympatischer Vertrauensarzt
Persönlich, direkt, nahbar, sympathisch, differenzierte fachliche Beratung, schnell und unkompliziert.
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Körperliche Beschwerde / Schmerzen
Sehr gut
Sehr gut
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Mehrere medizinische Anliegen
Es war okay
Es war okay, aber ich hätte mir aber etwas mehr Empathie und eine bessere Erklärung gewünscht. Der Einstieg war sinngemäss "da kann man nichts machen". Ausserdem musste ich noch nachfragen, was es denn genau ist. Mit dem Rezept konnte meine Apotheke leider nichts anfangen, so dass ich noch mal angefragt habe nach spezifischeren Informationen.
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Körperliche Beschwerde / Schmerzen
bad experience
I unfortunately had a frustrating experience thursday 01.02.24 with Dr. Gauer. I arrived 10 minutes late to my appointment which understandably caused stress to the doctor and how he needs to manage his time. However, instead of recommending to reschedule the appointment, the doctor rushed me through and did not allow me to discuss the multiple concerns I had with regards to my health. I booked the appointment with the expectation that I would be able to share my symptoms with the doctor so that we could find solutions to persistent symptoms. Unfortunately I was deeply let down. I left the appointment feeling like it was a waste of both my and the doctors time. And in addition, I now need to book another appointment with a different doctor in order to actually start the process of addressing my health. What the doctor did focus on was the fact that my antidepressants were “no longer necessary and should be replaced with exercise”. After sharing the doctors suggestion with my psychiatrist, I know that to be an unhealthy and dangerous suggestion. I don’t think he was authorized to suggest I go off my medications nor to address anything regarding my physiological / mental state as that was not the reason I had come to the praxis. This felt like a large overstep. As mentioned, I understand that me being late had an impact on my ability to access the care I was hoping to receive, however, the way Dr. Gauer proceeded with the appointment felt unprofessional, AND also negligent.
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Interesse fehlte
Eher nicht so interessiert
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Erste Konsultation
Siper Arzt, er vesteht wirklich die Patienten
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