Sven Schröck
Posto di lavoro
Studio medico
Physiozentrum Olten Indirizzo
Baslerstrasse 37, 4600 Olten
062 296 02 02Ricerca in corso
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Recensioni per Physiotherapeut Sven Schröck
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Valutazione complessiva
Basato su
21 recensioni
Rapporto di fiducia
Prende sul serio le preoccupazioni
Comportamento informativo
Informare in modo completo e comprensibile
Raccomandato dai pazienti
da Paziente Verificato
Allgemeine Physiotherapie
Mein Physiotherapeut
Fachlich ausgezeichneter Physiotherapeut
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Allgemeine Physiotherapie
Der Arzt dem ich vetraue
Der Arzt dem ich vetraue
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Allgemeine Physiotherapie
Sehr kompetent
Sehr freundlich, offen und kompetent. Ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt.
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Physiothérapie générale (S)
Pros and cons
I came because my glutei were tight from cycling and I needed to soften them two days before a race. Most of the therapy went well. But once, as he was going deep on my left gluteus with his elbow, it slipped and hurt another muscle in my bum. I had to take anti-inflammatory and put patches to decrease the pain until the day before the race. Luckily, the pain was almost gone the day of the race and I could cycle almost normally.
It was maybe too dangerous two days before a race to go so strong on my muscles. I think in the end the appointment was helpful, but I could have done without this additional pain I got from the appointment and the emotional stress it involved.
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Allgemeine Physiotherapie
Super Behandlung und sehr Sympathisch
Sehr gute Behandlung
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Allgemeine Physiotherapie
da Paziente Verificato
General physiotherapy
Excellent customer service
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Allgemeine Physiotherapie
Ruhig und Abgeklärt.
Sven kann ich nur Empfehlen mit seine ruhigen Art.