Dr. med.
Philipp Lampe
Brauerstrasse 95, 9016 St. Gallen
+41 71 282 75 57Searching
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Other places of work of Dr. med. Philipp Lampe
Dr. med. Philipp Lampe works also in the following locations:
Klinik Stephanshorn AG
Brauerstrasse 95, 9016 St. Gallen
Reviews for Dr. med. Philipp Lampe
These reviews reflect the subjective impression of a user. If there are only a few reviews, it is possible that the overall assessment is not representative.
1 reviews
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Muskeln / Sehnen
ja er ist der Arzt dem man vertrauen schenken darf
Die genaue und sorgf$ltige Diagnose hat er gestelt